Thursday, July 23, 2009

So, today Mazie had another doctor appointment. She is now 9lbs 4oz and 22 inches long! she will be 4 months old this saturday, and the doctor has given us the go ahead on people food next month. she also got her 4 month shots today, which was probably harder on me than it was Mazie. Jake was there for support and as always is the best dad ever!

We put a video up and some pictures of our trip to santa rosa. Mazie did awesome in the car, sleeping almost the entire way. As long as the car is moving she's happy. She did get sun burned pretty bad when we went to Bodega Bay. We had her covered, hat, jacket, pants and shoes. The reflection off the sand did her in. Blistered face and everything. but she never made one peep! she's so tough! Of course we felt horrible, but her doctor said she did the exact same thing to her kid, and being a doctor she should have known better so she said not to worry.

Sally (mazie's doctor) is so so pleased with Mazies progress. she says the ONLY way you can tell she is a preemie is her size. everything else is either right on target or WAY ahead of the game. She said that by the time she is a year old, she should be right on track with her weight and height. Of course, we think she's perfect. lol

Mazie and I are going to go back to Bellingham for a few weeks, driving up with dad, and driving back down with Jake. will post many pictures when we get back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so making you eat candied yams the next time I see you!