Monday, October 19, 2009

Mazie had a doctor appointment today. Wasn't a major one, or anything, they were just a little concerned about her weight. WIC almost tried to make us feel as if we weren't feeding her enough, so Sally brought us in for a visit, just to see what her weight gain was like after a couple weeks. She gained almost 11 ounces, and is over 12 pounds now. She's on the low end of the growth chart, but being that she was 2 months early, she's fairly on track. The doctor doesn't sound worried at all, and told us to pretty much ignore WIC's 'worries'.

It just makes you feel like a really crappy parent, when you're feeding your kid constantly, and some lady says "You should let her eat any time she wants to eat..." It's kinda like... "No sh*t sherlock, you think we're eating the formula you're giving us?". Then it was "You should let her sleep whenever she wants to sleep?". Makes you wanna say "Really? You mean she shouldn't be staying out with her friends until 2 AM?!?"

Oh well, she's doing well, and is happy... that's all that really matters!

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