Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mazie Anne Rully

Born March 28th 2009,at 12:42 PM

17 inches long, 3 Lbs 8 Oz.

Currently in the Newborn ICU, but doing well. She's small, but seems quite healthy. The ICU doctor gave her the once over, 10 fingers, 10 toes, normal reflexes, straight spine, legs the same length, arms same length, etc.

The funniest part was when the docs were cleaning her nose out with the bulb thingee... she actually tried to push it away, "Get that damn thing outta here!"

Michelle's quote after the baby was born: "That sucked..."
5+ centimeters now, contractions are about 2 minutes apart, and they're startin' to hurt unfortunately.

We're currently working on getting a bag full of fluid into Michelle via IV, so the can perform the epidural.

Won't be long now!
4 Centimeters, contractions are about 10 minutes apart, and the other important thing is at 71%... Mazie's makin' her way here!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I just did laundry for Mazie.

It's pretty weird looking at all her clothes, and I keep wondering "Is she really going to be this small?!"
Tommorow is probably the day! They plan to induce labor tomorrow morning. I hope we're able to bring her home by Sunday! I know Michelle's tired of lying in that stupid bed!