Thursday, April 09, 2009

No news is good news at this point. Mazie is doing OK still. Just growing up, and trying to stretch that tummy of hers out.

I added some new photos. Other than that, not really anything new to report. We just want her home...

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Mazie's in a regular crib!! Yay!!

She's able to keep her temperature constant for over 24 hours now, and is doing really well. We're really happy about it.

Unfortunately, I'm an idiot, and I forgot to charge the camera, so... no pictures tonight, but I'll get some up tomorrow.

She's still having trouble with the one stumbling block we've been having trouble with for a while. Nurses still say it's not a big deal. We're not too worried about it... we're just going to be patient, and work with her on it. No big deal, just a matter of time!
Mazie's doing pretty good again today. We're just at that same stumbling block we've been at before. She keeps getting incredibly tired during her feedings. She eats a bunch, and then stops, or eats a bunch, and 'Bradys' which basically means she stops eating, and breathing at the same time. Her breathing slows dramatically, and alarms, bells, and whistles go off. You basically just move her and it snaps her back into reality, and breathing again, but she just gets so sleepy.

She's got some growing up to do it seems. It's just incredibly frustrating to see... she's been doing so well up to this point, and now it's not even that she's doing badly... she's just stagnant. I wonder if this was what it was like for my parents to see me in school, knowing all the things I know, but stagnating, and not moving forward. I really hope that I don't have to experience that with Mazie, because this part is just ridiculously frustrating, and disheartening, because it makes me feel so helpless. I like to fix things, and this is something only Mazie can fix.

It'll happen... I just hope it's soon, and I wish there was something I could do.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Today was a good day for our little monkey. She ate pretty well, and is maintaining her temperature so far. We're really hoping she'll be in a regular crib soon. She's completely off the lights at this point. Her bilirubin levels went up slightly, but not enough to be worried about according to the doctor.

She was awake for almost our whole visit at 3 AM today after I got off work. She's incredibly cute when she's watching Michelle, and I through her little portholes... especially when she's starting to nod off a little, but fighting it... and fighting it hard.

I added some pictures to the photobucket.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Unfortunately Mazie's Bilirubin levels went up a bit, so she's not out of the isollete quite yet. They're going to take away the phototherapy again today. Her levels are borderline at this point.

Our biggest concern right now is those bilirubin levels, as that's what seems to be holding her back the most. She gets so tired from doing everything, and trying to filter out all the junk, that she falls asleep during her feedings, and can't take them all by nipple.

At this point... it appears that's the only obstacle that we have to overcome!