Monday, March 30, 2009

Mazie's doing really well again today. Up to eating 12 ml of Mom's milk from 9 ml yesterday.

Michelle came home today, she's not terribly happy about it, and understandably so... but is doing well herself. She just needs to take it easy for a while until she's fully recuperated. I'm doing my best to remind her of her limitations, but she doesn't seem to believe she has any, which is one reason I love her.

Mazie is still undergoing phototherapy, as she's got a bit of yellowing to her skin which is caused by her body making more waste than her liver, and kidneys can keep up with at this point. She used to be able to depend on Mom's system to help out, but now that she's out, not so much. Apparently the 'sunlight' helps a great deal. I'll try to get a pic of her with her 'sunglasses' on soon. We think she's dreaming about being in Barbados...

Doctors just keep telling us she's doing great... she's just small.

I mis-posted Mazie's birth weight. She was actually very close to 4 lbs, at 3 lbs, 15 Oz. She's actually lost a very small amount of that weight, and is down to 3 lbs 14 Oz, but apparently this is also very common. In the next week or so, they will be looking for her to start gaining some weight. She's a little piggy though... I don't think it will be long at all.

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